Last night about midnight, Little Johnny woke up crying with a high fever and vommiting. We gave him some tylenol, and prayed that he could keep it down long enough for it to bring the fever down. Luckily he only threw up one time, and was able to keep the medicine in him. He took a few sips of some ice cold juice, and put a cool rag on his head. He finally drifted off to sleep. This morning when we first woke up, he did not feel warm at all, and we had hoped the fever had broke and was gone for good. Unfortuatly, in the short time it took me to get ready for work when I woke him to leave, I touched his skin, and he was burning up again. I guess I should have continued to give him the tylenol after 4 hours just to be sure the fever didn't spike back up, but he didn't have a fever any longer...crazy how fast it can jump up like that! I gave him some tylenol and he is at home with my mom (Becca)...she is by far the best person to be with, especially when your sick. She will take very good care of him until we can get off work. Jessica, little Johnny's mom is at work as well, but is trying to work him into seeing the doctor today, if not...looks like a trip to the Emergency Room is in our near future. :(
Even sick, he is such a tough little boy. While laying there in between LJ and I, we are pampering him and trying to make him more comfortable...he tells us, "It's not sick anymore..." "Me feel better..." Bless his little heart! LJ and I both did not sleep a wink last night...we dozed in and out of sleep, and worried all night! It's a scary thing having a sick baby...not fun at all!